Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Weird Harry Potter Post

Have you ever had a day or week that just seemed to be dominated by Harry Potter?

I feel like this situation has happened to me at least a few times a month for the past 10 years or so. I, like many, read the book series as a child and was enthralled by the story it told while being equally (if not more) impressed by the quality of J.K. Rowling’s writing and ability to plan and weave everything together. I have to admit that when I read it, I knew that it would stick with me but I had no idea that it would consume such a large part of my surroundings.

Since reading the books, I have gone to midnight book releases and movie premieres and even saw some of the locations that inspired aspects of the film or places that were actually used in England. Both of my parents love Harry Potter as well and we are all very familiar with the story… but shouldn’t references have calmed down after the end of the last film?

Harry Potter dominated this past weekend.

When I went home to visit my parents, some random conversation came around to the fact that my father could not remember whom Professor Quirrell was. That one comment triggered all of the events that followed in less than 48 hours:

-We watched the first Harry Potter film to show him who Quirrell was
(Insert lengthy conversation about Sorcerer’s Stone vs. Philosopher’s Stone)
-We watched the last Harry Potter film
-Decide Dad does not remember anything and proceed to explain the plot
(Insert Dad’s questioning about who every character is and his confusion about the epilogue)
-Late-night boredom strikes and I play Lego Harry Potter Years 1-4 on Wii
-Finally beat the Lego Basalisk and text unassuming friends who don’t care
-Watch the Oscars without knowing any nominees or categories
-Feel angry and cheated when Harry Potter loses categories
(Insert Mom’s justification of why they should have won)

I think it is a true testament that these books and films have impacted so many people and media realms. This may all stem from the fact that that my parent’s enjoy Harry Potter, I am nerdy, or simply that it is just a mass phenomenon that will probably never lose momentum, but I can’t think of any other franchise that comes close to equaling it.

I’m not complaining about this in the least. I think that any recognition this amazing series receives is well worth it. I’ll continue my fandom forever and pass it along to my children I’m sure, but I guess I just find it interesting to think about how something outside of yourself can consume so much of you. I thought that attention to it would die down after a while, but it seems to keep growing even though the books and films are finished.

Sorry for this weird rant, but it has been on my mind and it is now taking over my blog. Are there any specific things that keep popping up unexpectedly in your life? 

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