Monday, May 7, 2012

End of Semester Wrap-Up

As my first semester of graduate studies comes to a close, I have been taking some time (very brief moments with all the exams I’m completing) and thinking about where I am now from where I was just a few months ago.

At the beginning of this year, I had no idea what teaching English actually entailed other than what I had seen from my own teachers over the years and figured out for myself. So here is a little of what I learned:

There are more resources available than I ever even imagined. I am going to have technology savvy children coming into my door from day one and I will be doing them a disservice if I do not continue to be a lifelong learner and keep up with what they are using.

My wacky ideas and creativity are going to be an asset when I begin to create lesson plans. Having a sense of fun can only make assignments more exciting.

Students will respect an authoritative leader who is also democratic. I was always afraid to be the “mean teacher,” but I know now that students want some structure as long as it is fair.

I’ve been able to meet some incredible peers that I hope to continue bouncing my thoughts off of as we all continue on our journey as pre-service teachers and professors that I know I can trust to lead me on the right path towards the best classroom I can possibly have. My first day of substitute teaching was last week and I know that that experience along with my graduate classes will cause me to have the most experiences and growth possible. I can’t wait to see where I’ll be after a summer of more classes!