I have been playing ukulele for almost three years now. I’ve always enjoyed singing and I really wanted to learn to play guitar but I could never build up the tolerance to deal with my fingers bleeding from the hard metal strings. After seeing a ukulele player named Julia Nunes perform at a Ben Folds concert, I knew I had finally found an instrument that seemed to be made just for me. It has truly been one of my favorite hobbies since then and I now have a soprano and a tenor ukulele in my collection.
I think that there is a stigma about this instrument that they only play little melodies that sound like hula music for a beach in Hawaii. The YouTube community completely blows that idea out of the water. New and incredible artists like Julia Nunes are everywhere online showing their skills and how modern and versatile the ukulele can be.
Now I’d like to share my absolute FAVORITE ukulele player and actually just one of my favorite artists in general. Danielle Ate the Sandwich does both covers of songs and her own original works. She is really quirky and funny which often seems in stark contast to her inspired, heartfelt and poetic lyrics. I’m going to add some videos below but her YouTube username is www.youtube.com/daniellesmagic if you want to see more!
One of my favorite covers she has done (mostly because it’s my favorite song to wake up to on my alarm clock, haha!):
This song is one of her beautiful originals (you’ll see what I mean by quirky in the video introduction):
Do you have any favorite artists on YouTube? Let me know in the comments!